Master Gardener Larry Dzieskowski, left, came right to the point with a group of Master Gardener interns during the group’s spring tour and clean-up visit to the Master Gardeners’ Trailside Demonstration Gardens on April 2, New Class Day. Sharing his gardening expertise, he described some of the unusual, beautiful, and soon-to-be returning plants in the cold-hardy Tropical Garden, pictured, which is one of nine Theme Gardens that the MGs cultivate on the 2-acre site. Dzieskowski, MG Coordinator Madeline DiNardo (red hat) and Demo Garden manager Joanne Krueger of Scotch Plains hosted 25 Interns on April 2. They toured the site, got good gardening pointers from their hosts, then weeded, raked and preened the planting beds to prepare for the 24th Annual Spring Fair and Plant Sale on Sunday, May 19, noon to 5 p.m., rain or shine.