Chairperson Granados unveils ‘Building a Stronger Union County’ plan

UNION COUNTY, NJ — Union County Board of County Commissioners Chairperson Sergio Granados announced a series of initiatives at the 166th annual reorganization meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 3, at the Union County Courthouse in Elizabeth. With a focus on enhancing local communities and private and public sectors, Granados said he is looking to develop better training and job opportunities, implement mental health programs and improve park and housing assistance programs throughout the county.

“As chairman, I want to build a path of resilience and togetherness,” Granados said at the meeting. “I am announcing a series of initiatives called ‘Building a Stronger Union County.’ Our residents make Union County strong, and we continue to ensure that they are at the forefront of all of our decisions.”

Granados’ proposals will reportedly assist veterans, senior citizens, those with medical diagnoses and unemployed residents.
“These are just some of the things we will do together in 2023,” Granados said. “We will be announcing more as the year goes on.”

Additionally, former Commissioner Christopher Hudak was sworn into his first term as Union County surrogate, and Commissioners Jane Kowalski, Granados and Rebecca Williams were sworn into their terms. Commissioner Joseph Bodek was appointed to fill Hudak’s former seat, and Commissioner Kimberly Palmieri-Mouded was appointed vice chairperson.

Palmieri-Mouded is serving as vice chairperson for the first time this year. She oversaw the Open Space, Recreation & Historic Preservation Trust board in 2021; it was awarded $1.45 million in grants for children’s recreation during her term.

Williams will serve as liaison to the Union County LGBTQ Ad Hoc Committee, the Motion Picture and TV Advisory Board, the Green Brook Flood Control Commission and the Union County Vocational-Technical School board of estimates.

“We are breaking down barriers, opening doors and building the county that our residents want and deserve,” Granados said.

Photos Courtesy of Union County Clerk’s Office