L’Oreal to build new research and development facility in Clark

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CLARK, NJ — Mayor Salvatore Bonaccorso announced the unanimous approval by the Clark Planning Board of L’Oreal’s request to add an approximately 100,000-square-foot building adjacent to its current site on Terminal Avenue.

Bonaccorso welcomed the approval on Thursday, April 1, and sees the project as a win for the entire township.

“We are happy to have L’Oreal continue to invest in their business and in this town,” said Bonaccorso. “This ensures Terminal Avenue remains an area of industry in town instead of becoming a place to develop more shopping centers and apartments. L’Oreal’s development brings jobs and people, which is great, as they spur the local economy.”

The new building will include a research and development center, complete with parking and a traffic light to help with vehicle flow. The site will be constructed so it envelops the current L’Oreal site at the corner of Central and Terminal avenues.

“This street has always been industry,” said Bonaccorso.” The site they are developing was the site of a manufacturing firm for many years before, so rush-hour commuters in and out of the workplace there is business as usual on the street and is still significantly less than shopping centers would bring in the same area.”

L’Oreal has striven to make the site environmentally responsible, including adding a solar farm above the parking facility and a pond that recycles and cleans stormwater runoff.

Bonaccorso said the L’Oreal project is something all residents should be happy about, because it helps the town continue to provide the same services to the public without additional cost to taxpayers.

“Let’s face it; New Jersey isn’t built in a way that we can expect taxes to go down, so having projects like this in town help to stabilize the tax bill for residents, which is what my administration strives to do,” said Bonaccorso.

Photos Courtesy of Elizabeth Clee