K-Kids Kindness Project rocks at Valley Road School

CLARK, NJ — Students in Valley Roads Kiwanis Club, also known as K-Kids, completed their last projects of the year by discussing ways to lift others up through simple acts of kindness. Among the children’s ideas was the Kindness Rock Project. The group, advised by Kimberly Belverio, Kimberly Nacht and Susan Dzurovcik, painted various sized rocks and came up with inspirational sayings to write on them. Some sayings included: “Laugh more,” “You are beautiful,” “You matter” and “You are loved.” Students will leave the rocks in various public areas around town in hopes for others to find them spreading kindness, while cultivating connections within the community.

“The students and advisors were very excited about this project and cannot wait to find the perfect spot around town to leave their rock,” Belverio said.

Photos Courtesy of Christine Casale Broski