Frank K. Hehnly Elementary School honors longtime paraprofessional

CLARK, NJ — In honor of Judi Treacy, a longtime Frank K. Hehnly Elementary School paraprofessional who died last summer, Hehnly paraprofessional Christine Mogensen came up with the idea of creating a garden in Treacy’s memory. With that idea, the Hehnly Garden Club was established. The garden club worked on transforming the garden in the front of the school.

The garden club consists of Mogensen, Hehnly teacher AnnMarie Estevez, fifth-grade student volunteers, and other helpers, including Estevez’s father; Mark and Jamie Treacy, Judi Treacy’s husband and son; and Hehnly teacher Nancy Pflug.

The group removed rocks and debris to prepare the soil. The fifth-grade club members met after school for several days during a period of a few weeks. Mark Treacy donated his time and a special plant, a bush and pansies. Principal Shirley Bergin supplied the group with club funds to purchase all the other materials needed to make the garden beautiful. The Hehnly teachers contributed funding for a plaque, which has been placed in the garden for all to see.

“When Mrs. Mogensen mentioned this idea to me, I knew it was something very special. The fifth-grade club members are amazing. With their enthusiasm and willingness to help, the garden was created. Mrs. Mogensen and I are very appreciative for all the help we received in transforming this area into something beautiful,” said Estevez.

The group also gave the veteran’s garden a sprucing up with a good cleanup and new plants. The club has also made future gardening plans.

Photos Courtesy of Christine Casale Broski