CLARK — Seventh grade students in Miss Faro’s honors pre-algebra class at the Carl H. Kumpf Middle School in Clark worked in pairs to create challenging word problems.
Students have been learning about different types of numbers that include fractions, decimals, and square roots. Each pair had to try their best to create the most challenging word problem they could think of while using all three different types of numbers. Students chose a theme for their word problem that ranged anywhere from navigating a map of Six Flags Great Adventure to calculating football yardage.
All students were given the option to illustrate and decorate their word problems in order to give the reader extra visual clues for solving. The word problems had to include various operations and different measurements to be converted. Included with the word problems, students had to create an answer key with steps for solving.
Each pair traded off their word problem with another group to see if they could come up with the correct answer. Students enjoyed the challenge of creating the most difficult word problem for their peers to solve.