Arthur L. Johnson High School gets unplugged

CLARK, NJ — On Friday, March 3, Arthur L. Johnson High School students participated in the National Day of Unplugging. Teachers provided lessons without the use of Chromebooks, Brightlinks and other technologies that are generally used during the school day. During lunch, students were provided with conversation starters and were encouraged to engage in conversation with their peers. The day fostered mindfulness, connection with others and reflection about technology’s role in our lives.

In partnership with the PTA, the school was able to provide gift card prizes to students who wanted to take their unplugging efforts further. Eighty students handed in their phones for the entire day and were entered into a $100 Amazon gift card raffle. Twenty-four students parted from their phones during lunch and activity period for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card. Congratulations to Ashlianne Giscombe and Aedan Paredes, who won their respective raffles.

ALJ Principal Tara Oliveira said, “We are incredibly proud of our students and staff for embracing this day! We look forward to the next ALJ Unplugged opportunity!”

Photos Courtesy of Christine Casale Broski