WATCHUNG, NJ — Approximately 70 seventh- and eighth-grade girls spent the morning of Saturday, Jan. 21, at Mount Saint Mary Academy, competing in the 16th annual Math Competition. Meanwhile, at St. Joseph High School in Metuchen, seventh- and eighth-grade boys were testing their math skills as well. After a welcome and introduction from Jacqueline Muratore, assistant directress for Faculty, Curriculum and Planning, the girls were escorted to the classrooms by Mount student volunteers. Campus tours were also held for parents while their daughters were competing.
The following awards were presented at the conclusion of the morning:
Individual Student Awards: Smrithi Sudharsun of Woodrow Wilson Middle School, Suvarnitha Gajarao of Woodrow Wilson Middle School and, tied for third place, Adalyn Shen of Warren Middle School and Aahana Shah of Woodrow Wilson Middle School.
Student Achievement Awards — top scoring after 1-3 place: Mishika Malhotra of Woodrow Wilson Middle School, Riya Ramani of Warren Middle School, Kate Zarkewicz of Holy Trinity School, Ashita Mall of Woodrow Wilson Middle School, Claire Wu of Warren Middle School, Avika Sharma of Woodrow Wilson Middle School, Fiona Catherine Antony Sudharsan of Woodrow Wilson Middle School, Juliana DeNault of St. John Vianney School and Aiden Steinwald of Holy Trinity School.
School Team Awards: Woodrow Wilson, first place; Warren Middle School, second place; and Holy Trinity School, third place. Achievement Awards were presented to St. John Vianney School, St. Matthias Catholic Academy and St. Helena School.
Photo Courtesy of Michelle Daino