CDC Theatre Nominated for 12 NJACT Perry Awards

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CRANFORD, NJ — The New Jersey Association of Community Theaters Perry Awards are given for outstanding achievements in the New Jersey Community Theater, and it’s no surprise that Cranford Dramatic Club Theatre has been nominated for 12 awards this year. The 105-year-old nonprofit community theater continuously puts on top notch-productions.

CDC President Joe Leo said, “We’ve been nominated and winning for a very long time. In the last years I’ve been president, we’ve been on their nominations for a lot of our shows. It’s been nice. There’s a lot of community theater in New Jersey. There’s a lot of talent around the state. To be recognized is a nice honor and acknowledgement of our hard work.”

In fact, CDC has won so many Perry Awards, Joe Leo has lost count.
In 2023, CDC’s wins were Angela Cusumano-Perez, “In the Heights,” Outstanding Choreography. and Gail Cevallos, “In the Heights,” Outstanding Lead Actress in a Musical.

This year’s CDC nominees are Colleen Renee Lis, “The Wizard of Oz,” Outstanding Direction of a Musical; Nik Marmo, “Head Over Heels,” and Mark Reilly, “Hair,” Outstanding Lighting Design of a Musical; Shannon Ludlum, “The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940,” Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Play; Karen Carratura, “Head Over Heels,” and Jannette Fisher, “Hair,” Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Musical; Ian Federgreen, “The Wizard of Oz,” and David Rivera Jr., “Head Over Heels,” Outstanding Featured Actor in a Musical; Jannette Fisher and Lilly Tremblay, “Hair,” Outstanding Costume Design of a Musical; Raven Abbott, “Head Over Heels,” and Jordyn Sava, “The Wizard of Oz,” Outstanding Choreography; and Dana Dispoto, “Hair,” Outstanding Stage Management of a Musical.

Some of the nominations, Leo said he anticipated. “I definitely expected our stage manager, Dana, to be nominated for ‘Hair.’ And Shannon Ludlum for ‘The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940.’ Those were the two I felt sure were definite. Everything else was a pleasant surprise.

Whether CDC wins or loses, Leo said he considers the Perry Awards to be a night to have fun. “It’s a night to show everybody within the community what their theater has to offer. Just go have a good time, see some great entertainment. Chalk it up to having a nice night out. Everybody’s a winner.”

Leo is so busy at CDC, he rarely has time to go see other shows at other theaters. “As much as you want to go support your friends, they are doing shows the same time you are,” he said.

When he does have time, Leo said he supports Chatham Playhouse and Westfield Theatre Group – and he’s worked at both.

“It’s all about supporting New Jersey community theater and people who are doing it for the love. None of us get paid. We’re doing this because we love it. An award is just gravy,” he said.

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To learn more about CDC Theatre, visit:

Photos Courtesy of Cranford Dramatic Club Theatre