Benedictine Academy in Elizabeth holds ‘Welcome Back Cookout’

Student Council officers entertained young children at the Benedictine Academy “Welcome Back Cookout.” It took a few tries for Benedictine Academy twelfth grader Ramira Mayse to explain the dynamics of how to play with a “Slinky” to 3-year-old Dylan Stokes.
Student Council officers entertained young children at the Benedictine Academy “Welcome Back Cookout.” It took a few tries for Benedictine Academy twelfth grader Ramira Mayse to explain the dynamics of how to play with a “Slinky” to 3-year-old Dylan Stokes.
Benedictine Academy parents, from left, John Pernas, Bill Garrity, Willie Crumity and Rashan Mayse helped at the grill during Benedictine Academy’s “Welcome Back Cookout.” The school parents cooked hundreds of burgers and hot dogs for the large crowd that attended the annual event.
Benedictine Academy parents, from left, John Pernas, Bill Garrity, Willie Crumity and Rashan Mayse helped at the grill during Benedictine Academy’s “Welcome Back Cookout.” The school parents cooked hundreds of burgers and hot dogs for the large crowd that attended the annual event.

ELIZABETH — The Benedictine Academy Parents Association held a “Welcome Back Cookout” at the school in Elizabeth on Saturday, Sept. 28. Many new and returning school families and friends attended and enjoyed a great afternoon, complemented by plenty of burgers, hot dogs, corn, plus delicious homemade entrees, salads and desserts prepared for the event. Students from the all-female Catholic college prep high school helped with entertainment for children who attended.