ALJ alumni visits PreMedical Studies class

CLARK, NJ — On Thursday, Sept. 12, Ray Williamson, a 2017 graduate of Arthur L. Johnson High School, returned to his old classroom to share his journey through Physical Therapy school with Bernadette Jacobi’s PreMedical Studies students. Williamson shared his experiences about his course loads, his struggles, and his achievements. He spoke about the importance of experiencing as many scenarios in a clinical setting as possible to gain the knowledge needed to help decide what avenue to follow in their career. The students asked Williamson many questions about the pathway he chose and the decisions he made along the way. They were thrilled to have him speak about real life as a student in a medical career pathway, which many of them aspire to do in the future.

Williamson graduated with his master’s degree from University of Rhode Island and is now attending the University of Pittsburgh. He has served and still is serving with the National Guard since he entered URI in 2017. He is presently beginning his final year of learning, clinicals and rotations.

Jacobi said, “I was thrilled to have Ray come to speak to our PreMed students. Ray approached me about coming back to ALJ to share his story, saying he remembered the guest speakers when he was a student and he wanted to give back to our school community. I am so proud of all of his accomplishments and his determination to succeed, with so much on his plate, and I’m so excited for his future.”

Photos Courtesy of Christine Casale Broski