A ‘super’ star is reborn at Cranford Dramatic Club Theatre

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CRANFORD, NJ — What’s the buzz? What’s happening is, “Jesus Christ Superstar” is being performed weekends at Cranford Drama Club Theatre until Sunday, Oct. 27.

The show is nothing short of fabulous – the set design, the costumes, the stunning choreography and movement, the top-notch lighting, emotional voices – it’s all something to be seen and heard. The cast members were passionate about their roles, never breaking character. Everyone on stage was a lead in their own right.

“Jesus Christ Superstar” follows the final days of the life of Jesus as he awaits crucifixion. Jared Milian, as Jesus Christ, had a strong voice, channeling the vibes of both the original 1970 rock opera and 1973 film – music by Andrew Lloyd Weber and lyrics by Tim Rice. He belted out “Gethsemane” as if his life depended on it; and, as Jesus, it did, during the heartbreaking moment when he asks God why he must suffer his tragic fate.

Blaze Levario was commanding as Judas. You can see the conflict in their face when they betrayed Jesus. The extraordinary vocal ranges of Levario and Milian played off each other dynamically.

Melissa Calicchio moved the audience in her role as Mary Magdalene, especially in her powerful deliverance of the chilling “I Don’t Know How to Love Him.”

Other incredible leads in the play were Larry Brustofski as Caiaphas and Corey Chichizola as Annas, Michael Fleischer as Pontius Pilate, Danielle Bouie as Simon Zealotes and Robbie Stevens Jr. as Peter.

Asher “Dominic” Cerreto, Arielle Dance, James Hahn, Ranai Jones, Alex Foreman, Gene Juanich, Katie Kane and Erica Vieira played the Apostles.

Edgar Hidalgo, Joe Rodriguez and Michelle Sblendorio played Priests.

Christina Cruz and Nikki Scavone were in the ensemble.

Shane Long as King Herod performed a true show-stopping number.

“King Herod’s Song” offers a bit of comic relief in the somber, intense production. The character Herod is flashy, flamboyant and fun – all while mocking Jesus. Long nailed his role effortlessly, adding his own priceless ad libs. For example, “Jesus! Raising people from the dead? Gross!” Then he goes into his bouncy vaudeville tune.

“Jesus Christ Superstar” is fast-paced and penetrating, being very dark at times.

The show was extremely well-received. Audience members loved it and gave the cast a standing ovation at the end.

Emily Stern, who is a director, drove 45 minutes from North Haledon to see the show. She said, “The lighting is amazing. I love the show. It’s hard for community theater to do this show (meaning the show was hard to pull off – but it was done).”

Jennifer Munley, of Cranford, said she loved the music “first and foremost” and also the ensemble and the way they danced.

Richelle Konian, of Cranford, said, “I can tell from the second they were on stage, they were committed. The music, the singers – really good. It’s such a treat to have this phenomenal talent in your neighborhood.”

Her mom, Nanci Konian, who lives in Florida but was visiting, said, “The energy is very good, the voices, it moves. The pace is really good.”

Cast members also had great things to say about the show and each other.

Stevens, who played Peter, said, “Peter has vulnerability. The show taught me about family connection. I loved the show so much!”

Alexandra Marcinak, who was a featured dancer and an apostle, is a dance teacher from Elizabeth. She’s been dancing internationally since she was 3 years old. “I love how it was a challenge to be a dark character,” she said.

Cruz, of Westfield, also a featured dancer and apostle, said, “I got to represent Jesus’ inner mind, when he’s disassociated and distracted.”

Levario, who played Judas, said they loved “getting to work with the incredible ensemble.”

Long, who played King Herod, committed to his character and said jokingly, “Anytime I can stomp on stage and throw a hissy fit!”

Director Lauren M. Grof-Tisza said, “Audiences of all ages for the past 50 years have been moved by one of the best rock scores ever written and are able to connect deeply to a show that explores themes of love, betrayal and the hope of redemption. ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ has captivated me since my first listen and I am beyond excited to present a fresh take on a timeless story to an audience who has yet to experience this iconic musical.”

For tickets to “Jesus Christ Superstar,” visit: https://www.cdctheatre.org/.

Photos Courtesy of Jon Richardson