Roselle Park's Casso and Hunter are First Team second doubles for Mountain Division
UNION COUNTY CONFERENCE ALL-CONFERENCE GIRLS’ TENNIS FOR 2012 WATCHUNG DIVISION: Team champion: Westfield. FIRST TEAM First singles: Lexi Borr, Westfield Second singles: Lauren Oberlander, Kent Place Third singles: Rebecca Sisto, Westfield First doubles: Elizabeth Cusick and Julia Criscuolo, Westfield Second doubles: Marian Kovalenko and Connie Wu, Westfield SECOND TEAM First singles: Mimi MacCowatt, Kent […]
Cranford had another fine season conclude at 7-3; Summit hosts Parsippany Hills Saturday afternoon in the second N2, G3 semifinal
Congratulations to Union County football schools Elizabeth and Roselle Park for advancing to state championship games after posting NJSIAA semifinal victories Friday night. Elizabeth made it to a championship game for the second straight year and is in the first North 2, Group 5 final. Roselle Park made it to a title contest for the […]
Will host New Providence in a semifinal 2 weeks from now
ROSELLE PARK – For the first time in nearly two decades Roselle Park’s season will not end when its annual Thanksgiving Day contest vs. Roselle is completed. Behind the efficient, bruising and electric running of seniors Richie Johns and Juan Carmona and junior Brian Matthews, the second-seeded Panthers produced their first playoff win in 19 […]
Sectional consolation matchups listed below for 6 Union County schools that didn't qualify
Union County football has produced a state champion each of the last three years. Can this be the season that more than one Union County team holds up a trophy? The last time that happened was six years ago in 2006 when Elizabeth and Brearley won titles. Now it’s time to get ready for the […]
Final games before playoffs and possible consolations are rescheduled for Friday and Saturday
For those who already got their power back – God Bless! I am both thankful for you and very envious. As of Wednesday, Nov. 7, mine is not back and JCP&L has no clue when it will be back. As far as Union County football is concerned, everyone had a bye week last weekend. Because […]
This weekend's schedule could be in jeopardy because of Hurricane Sandy
Still with a weekend to go before the secitonal quarterfinals begin, 10 Union County football teams have qualified for the NJSIAA playoffs.The other seven Union County schools have already been eliminated. Because of Hurricane Sandy, this weekend’s schedule of games to be played on Friday, Nov. 2 and Saturday, Nov. 3 could be in a […]
Carmona scores 2 TDs, Matthews, Andre one; Schneeberger kicks 4 extra points, hauls in key reception on final scoring drive
ROSELLE PARK – Many times goals are met because a game plan was put in place, with the team sticking to it from day one. Roselle Park made great strides last season and the Panthers were not about to let all of that hard work go by the wayside. So the Panthers worked even harder […]
Next weekend's schedule, picks, this past weekend's results, JR's newTop 10 here
UNION COUNTY FOOTBALL TEAMS ALREADY PLAYOFF BOUND STILL WITH TWO WEEKENDS TO GO NORTH 2, GROUP 5: Elizabeth, Union NORTH 2, GROUP 4: Scotch Plains NORTH 2, GROUP 3: Summit, Cranford, Rahway NORTH 2, GROUP 1: New Providence, Roselle Park, Dayton (It will help Roselle Park and Dayton if Secaucus loses […]
KENILWORTH – Brian Matthews, a first-year varsity starter, didn’t quite know the history of Brearley’s recent dominance over Roselle Park. The Roselle Park standout junior running back-defensive back heard about it from his teammates. “I’m new to this,” Matthews said Friday night. What the 5-8, 165 pound Matthews isn’t new to is taking the ball, […]