Exhibit explores social justice movements through art

Exhibit explores social justice movements through art

UNION, NJ — HurtJohn, curator of artistic platforms, has partnered with Kean University Galleries to create a compelling and timely exhibit that explores social justice movements like Black Lives Matter. The compelling and interactive exhibit, entitled, “Movement,” depicts stark events that provocatively engage the audience, and HurtJohn creator John Hurtado said that his mission is […]

Union man arrested in fatal beating of Maplewood man

UNION, NJ — A Union man has been arrested and charged with the fatal beating of a Maplewood man, acting Union County Prosecutor Grace Park announced Saturday. Yves Marcellus, 25, is charged with first-degree murder in connection with the death of 25-year-old Matthew Murrell. Marcellus fatally beat Murrell last week at a home on Salem Road […]

Flag Day celebrated at Union’s senior center

UNION, NJ — It was an “America the Beautiful” celebration as residents and veterans gathered at the Union’s senior center on June 14 to celebrate Flag Day. The center was furnished in festive decorations in red, white and blue, and guests were treated to a stunning American flag sheet cake. The event was attended by Mayor […]

UHS alumni honor coach through scholarship fund

UNION, NJ — Every once in awhile that special teacher or coach enters the life of a student and changes it forever. And it seems that coach Robert O’Dell is that special someone. The Union High School Track and Field Alumni Association started the Robert O’Dell Scholarship fund 14 years ago to honor coach and mentor […]

At DARE commencement, graduates take the pledge

UNION, NJ — Union’s D.A.R.E./L.E.A.D. graduation for Central Five Jefferson Elementary School students was held last week at Union High School. More than 500 students at Jefferson, located in Vauxhall, went through the drug and alcohol abuse program, with each of the classes meeting weekly for 20 weeks. This was the 23rd annual D.A.R.E. graduation program […]

Battle Hill school raises money for animal shelters

Battle Hill school raises money for animal shelters

UNION, NJ — Walk through the doors of Battle Hill Elementary School in Union, and you will see the “Wall of Paws,” a bulletin board overflowing with photos of dogs and cats, and even some birds and lizards. Second-grade students at the school expressed an interest in helping animals and raising money toward that cause, and […]

Education Foundation provides opportunities

UNION, NJ — The spring reception for the Township of Union Education Foundation honoring grant recipients for 2015-16 and 2016-17 was held yesterday at the Knight of Columbus. Grants awarded provide children from primary grades through high school with educational programming and materials for subjects including science, writing, computers and music. The foundation, whose mission is […]

Foundation for epilepsy is on a mission

UNION, NJ — Just about everyone in Union knew Mark BenHayon. Outgoing and affable, Mark didn’t let the challenges he faced on a daily basis get in the way of his great sense of humor and fun-loving disposition. Lifelong residents of Union, the BenHayon family wanted to keep Mark’s memory alive, and so just one month […]

Union’s Got Talent auditions begin

UNION, NJ — Auditions for the fourth annual fundraising event, “Union’s Got Talent,” was held this past weekend, as some of Union’s greatest talent came out to try for a chance to compete in UGT’s annual talent competition. The event, which will be held in September and is produced by the Union High School Performing Arts […]

Union’s Memorial Day parade paying tribute to fallen heroes

UNION, NJ — Union will celebrate Memorial Day with its annual parade on Monday, May 30, as a tribute to those who have died in service. The parade, which will kick off at the corner of Stuyvesant Avenue and Vauxhall Road, will feature floats, show cars, Clydesdale horses, military units and vehicles, a civil war cannon, […]

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