Kent Place holds car wash, bake sale

SUMMIT — The Kent Place Upper School’s sophomore class will host a car wash and bake sale Saturday, May 18, from 9 a.m. to noon in the Primary School driveway, located off Norwood Avenue. The event will benefit a charity, to be announced, and a portion of the proceeds will go to the purchase of […]

A Sensitive Side

SUMMIT — From left: Tyler Mayes and Mason Guida of Summit participated in a sensitivity training program at SAGE Eldercare on March 20. Both boys are fifth grade students at Lincoln-Hubbard Elementary School. This is the fourth year that the organization and school have partnered together for the intergenerational program.

Make that 11 Union County football teams that qualified for the state playoffs; Linden makes the grade in North 2, Group 4

Tigers sneak in after beating Bridgewater-Raritan 23-21 Saturday for their first home win and only second victory of the season

I originally reported a couple of weeks ago that 10 Union County football teams qualified for the state playoffs. Make that 11. Linden snuck in in North 2, Group 4 after posting its first home win of the season, defeating Bridgewater-Raritan 23-21 Saturday at Cooper Field. As a result, the Tigers (2-6) earned the seventh […]

Union County encourages Hurricane Sandy preparedness

With Hurricane Sandy still on track to hit the Union County area by Monday, Oct. 26, the Freeholder Board is urging residents to take steps to prepare this weekend. The freeholder board is reminding County residents that basic steps can be taken to be prepared for the storm,  including stocking up on a few days’ […]

Contested municipal elections in Union County

Asterisks(*) denote incumbents. Only contested election in Union County LocalSource’s coverage area are represented. Union County Freeholders Three 3-year terms Alexander Mirabella-D* Diane Barabas-R Mohamed Jalloh-D* Stephen Kozlovich-R Bruce Bergen-D Krzysztof Chris Nowak-R Clark Mayor — 4-year term Richard Kazanowski-D Salvatore Bonaccorso-R* Councilman-at-large — Three 4-year terms Michael Altmann-D Angel Albanese-R* Michelle Novak-D Alvin Barr-R* […]

Contested board of education elections in Union County

The following is a list of contested board of education elections in Union County LocalSource’s coverage area. This newspaper encourages residents to learn about their candidates prior to voting and to make an informed decision when exercising their right to vote. Some towns are holding candidates nights and forums, which give residents the opportunity to […]

Board submits ‘last stand’ report

Board of trustees hands over report to Middle States Commission By Cheryl Hehl, Staff Writer With its monitoring report now in the hands of the agency that will determine whether Kean University is worthy of keeping the accreditation it held since 1960, university officials await a critical visit next week that could play heavily into the […]

Board submits ‘last stand’ report

At meeting: ‘Where is the acknowledgement of personal responsibility?’ By Cheryl Hehl,  Staff Writer UNION COUNTY — Although most board meetings during the past year have begun in front of a large, raucous audience that jammed Kean Hall and spilled into the hallways and courtyard beyond, the Aug. 30 meeting was attended by a sparse crowd devoid of […]

Planning Board reviews trailers at Franklin School

By Paul Greulich, Staff Writer SUMMIT — Overcrowding at Franklin Elementary School has necessitated the installation of temporary classroom units, or TCUs, which are expected to be installed sometime this fall. One TCU would serve as a music classroom and one would be an art classroom. At present the school does not have dedicated art and […]

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