Milton Lake cleanup provides environmental awareness, pride

Milton Lake cleanup provides environmental awareness, pride

RAHWAY, NJ — On Saturday, Nov. 19, students and adults volunteered to clean up Union County’s Milton Lake Park in Rahway. The event was hosted by the AmeriCorps New Jersey Watershed Ambassador program and Union County Adopt-a-Park program. “The Adopt-a-Park program is very active all year round with park cleanups,” Deputy Director Tina Casey of Union […]

Rahway hosts spooktacular Halloween events

Rahway hosts spooktacular Halloween events

RAHWAY, NJ — Rahway celebrated Halloween with a day of special events on Saturday, Oct. 29. Cars were parked and decorated for a trunk-or-treat in addition to a costume contest and parade. There was also a zombie walk and fireworks. Rahway’s Hamilton Theatre was transformed into a haunted theater for four-straight days, from Oct. 28 to […]

Rahway holds ceremony at new football turf

RAHWAY, NJ — On Friday, Oct. 7, Rahway High School staff and students roared with excitement and pride as they arrived at their new football turf at Rahway River Park. Students celebrated with pizza and music as they gathered in anticipation of the game. The event began with a homecoming and ribbon cutting ceremony that included […]

Rahway mayor is latest in string of driving incidents

RAHWAY, NJ — The public’s focus on moving vehicles and government officials has now shifted to Rahway Mayor Samson Steinman. According to police reports, Steinman was driving a vehicle registered to the city of Rahway on Aug. 26 with an expired license when he crashed into a parked car on Central Avenue at approximately 5:30 a.m. […]

Formula4Success sees support in county

RAHWAY, NJ — Rahway Mayor Samson Steinman released a video in support of Formula4Success on July 27. Steinman explains why he supports the school funding plan proposed by Senate President Steve Sweeney and Senate Education Committee Chair M. Teresa Ruiz. The bill would bring all of New Jersey’s school districts to full funding within five years. […]

Rahway holds meeting to discuss budget

RAHWAY, NJ — On Tuesday, June 21, a special meeting was held in Rahway to discuss the municipal budget. Prior to the meeting, an ordinance was passed to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and establish a cap bank. There were public hearings that included a resolution to adopt the city budget as well as a […]

Rahway law enforcement participate in torch run

Rahway law enforcement participate in torch run

RAHWAY, NJ — On Friday, June 10, students and staff from Roosevelt Elementary School in Rahway lined the street of St. Georges Avenue to show their support of the annual Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics NJ. They cheered on Rahway police and fire department officials as they ran down the street carrying the torch […]

New city clerk gets settled in Rahway

RAHWAY, NJ — Jeffrey Jotz, former City Clerk of Rahway, was recently replaced by the former city clerk of Hillside and Raritan, Rayna E. Harris. The city clerk is charged with the maintenance of all public records, including agendas, minutes, resolutions and ordinances of the Municipal Council. The city clerk is also responsible for issuing various […]

Blue Acres Buyout purchases first property in Rahway

RAHWAY, NJ — The city of Rahway is the latest community to join the growing list of flood-prone towns to seek and accept buyouts from the Department of Environmental Protection’s Superstorm Sandy Blue Acres Buyout Program. The state recently closed on the purchase of a home on New Church Street in Rahway, and continues working to […]

Union County Police Department officer charged with theft

ELIZABETH, NJ — A Union County Police Department officer has been charged with stealing items from department stores in four different towns on various dates earlier this year, acting Union County Prosecutor Grace H. Park announced. Blake Clay, 33, of Rahway is charged with third-degree theft. An investigation by the Prosecutor’s Office’s Special Prosecutions Unit revealed that […]

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