Linden police get one-on-one time, coffee with city residents

Linden police get one-on-one time, coffee with city residents

LINDEN, NJ — For Jean Perez, a Linden resident for 11 years, visiting her police department’s “Coffee with a Cop” event was about interacting with officers in person rather than through social media. “I wanted to put a face to the police officers,” Perez said outside the Starbucks in Aviation Plaza on Oct. 4. “I don’t […]

Twenty-year-old from Linden bidding for state Assembly

Twenty-year-old from Linden bidding for state Assembly

LINDEN, NJ — He recited the 13th Amendment nearly verbatim, then stumbled. So he reached into his jacket and produced a battered copy of the U.S. Constitution. “There was a cover,” said Onel Martinez, who is running as a District 22 Independent for the state Assembly, during an interview at Kean University on Sept. 1. “I […]

Trump’s New Jersey visits causing havoc for Linden airport

LINDEN, NJ — New Jersey is getting a taste of presidential disruption every time President Trump decides to visit his vacation home at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster; something New York grew accustomed to this during the Obama years, and in Washington is an everyday occurrence. And the visits also affect those far from the […]

Linden garbage fee is to be repealed by the City Council

LINDEN, NJ — Linden has put forth an ordinance to repeal its garbage fee which, if passed, will go into effect in January 2018. Ordinance No. 61-50 seeks to repeal Ordinance No. 57-25, the “Garbage Collection Annual Surcharge,” which was implemented in 2013. The new ordinance was introduced at the July 18 meeting of the Linden […]

Linden police officer mourned by community

Linden police officer mourned by community

LINDEN, NJ — The city of Linden is mourning longtime police officer and director of the Linden Police Athletic League, Daniel Kuczynski, 45, who was struck by a train and killed on the morning of June 12 near Stiles Street in Linden. Kuczynski was off duty at the time of the incident. There were about 800 […]

LHS honored as Jets PLAY 60 ‘Eat Right Move More’ winner

LINDEN, NJ — Representatives of the New Jersey Department of Agriculture visited Linden High School with New York Jets linebacker Josh Martin on June 2 to honor the school as a division champion of the Jets PLAY 60 “Eat Right, Move More” program. The Jets PLAY 60 “Eat Right, Move More” program, a partnership between […]

In Linden and Roselle, surprise primary wins

LINDEN & ROSELLE, NJ — The results are in after two closely watched primary races on June 6, one in the city of Linden and one in the borough of Roselle. LINDEN : In Linden’s 6th Ward, John Roman, a Column G Democratic candidate, came out ahead of Democratic Councilman Robert Sadowski, 230 to 189. Roman […]

Community policing building in Linden to ‘strengthen ties’

Community policing building in Linden  to ‘strengthen ties’

LINDEN, NJ — On May 22, the Linden Police Department hosted a community event to celebrate the grand reopening of the city’s Community Oriented Police Station. The event, which was held at the Linden Multi-Purpose Center, gave residents the opportunity to meet the officers working in their neighborhoods. The event also included a meet and greet […]

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