Rahway police search for missing Linden school teacher

Rahway police search for missing Linden school teacher

RAHWAY / LINDEN, NJ — Rahway police are searching for Brian Gooney, a Linden Public Schools educator, who has been missing since March 9. Anyone who has seen Gooney or has any information on his whereabouts is urged to call the Rahway police tips line at 732-827-2200. Gooney, a Rahway resident, is a paraprofessional at […]

Linden teacher of many talents selected as NJ exemplary educator

Linden teacher of many talents selected as NJ exemplary educator

LINDEN — Versatile Linden teacher Walter Schweikardt has been selected as an exemplary educator by the New Jersey Department of Education. He is one of just 93 teachers across the state who are being honored for 2020. He joins Linden School No. 1 fifth-grade teacher Amy Maloney in being honored. “Congratulations to Mr. Schweikardt for […]

New Union County Fire/EMS Training Academy is open

New Union County Fire/EMS Training Academy is open

UNION COUNTY, NJ — The Union County Board of County Commissioners cut the ribbon on Wednesday, Feb. 3, for the new Union County Fire/EMS Training Academy. The new facility provides classroom space for both professional and volunteer firefighters in training, as well as continuing education for firefighters and EMTs who are currently serving. Forty-four firefighters […]

DEP launches project to help towns, including Linden, stop illegal dumping

DEP launches project to help towns, including Linden, stop illegal dumping

LINDEN, NJ — The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection has launched a new initiative to support municipalities in combating illegal dumping, acting Commissioner Shawn LaTourette announced Feb. 8. Spurred by community feedback from listening sessions hosted in environmental justice communities, DEP Assistant Commissioner Elizabeth Dragon spearheaded the development of the Collaboration and Deterrence Project […]

Union County Board of Commissioners awards 60 HEART grants

UNION COUNTY, NJ — The Union County Board of County Commissioners has announced that 60 artists, historians and local nonprofit organizations will receive funding through the 2021 Union County HEART — History, Education, Arts Reaching Thousands — grant program. The HEART grant program was created by the Board of Commissioners in 1998, in recognition of […]

Progress: Union County sees many advancements in 2020

Progress: Union County sees many advancements in 2020

UNION COUNTY, NJ — 2020 was packed to the brim with goings-on, from COVID-19 to the census, from the Black Lives Matter movement to the presidential election. While COVID-19 and unrest dominated headlines, there were many infrastructure advancements in Union County. The following is a short recap of some of those improvements; this is by […]

Mentorship program in Linden aims to ease difficulties of virtual learning

Mentorship program in Linden aims to ease difficulties of virtual learning

LINDEN, NJ — Linden public school administrators have begun mentoring at-risk students to ensure that they do not fall behind or get overlooked while the district continues with remote learning due to COVID-19. Superintendent Marnie Hazelton tracked student data for the first marking period to identify vulnerable high school and middle school students who were […]

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