KENILWORTH, NJ — Sydney Phillips, of Kenilworth, and her sister were expelled from St. Theresa’s School in Kenilworth after their family took legal action against the school for forbidding Sydney to play on the boys’ basketball team. The girls’ team was cut due to lack of interest. “Our attorney received an email on Feb. 1 requesting […]
KENILWORTH, NJ — The Kenilworth Board of Education selected a new board member to fill the vacancy after the resignation of Walter Sosnosky. A meeting was held Dec.12 in the Board Conference Room at David Brearley School and Genean Braun was chosen as the new board member. The eight other board members conducted interviews at the […]
WHAT IS GOVERNOR CHRISTIE TRYING TO HIDE? For over 100 years, governments and businesses in the U.S. have been required to inform the public about vital matters like government contract bids, variance applications, sub-division variance applications, foreclosures, sales of government property, government contract bids, and municipal tax sales. But this week, Gov. Chris Christie and […]
KENILWORTH, NJ — The New Jersey State Council of Vietnam Veterans of America met on Sunday, Sept. 18 at Kenilworth Veterans Center to raise awareness about the long-lasting impact of toxic exposure. The focus was on the effects that chemicals have had on veterans’ offspring and the illnesses and defects that many have endured. This was […]
KENILWORTH, NJ — Many people aren’t exactly dog people, which might have limited their access to therapy animals — but that’s just fine because there are now other animals certified to make therapeutic visits to people in need. Michelangelo, a miniature therapy horse, is an example. He’s just about the same size as a very large […]
KENILWORTH, NJ — Teachers are often underappreciated, overworked and underpaid, but every once in awhile they get the praise they deserve. Janice Marsili aced her work as lead teacher of fine and performing arts at David Brearley High School in Kenilworth, where she has taught for the past 19 years. She was named Union County’s Teacher […]
ELIZABETH, NJ — Union County Sheriff Joseph Cryan swears in newly promoted Sheriff’s Sergeant Ryan Wilson of Kenilworth during a ceremony at the Union County Courthouse in Elizabeth. Holding the Bible is Sergeant Wilson’s wife Jennifer. Photo by Jim Lowney/County of Union.
KENILWORTH, NJ — A few years ago, Merck, located in Kenilworth, announced it would no longer utilize the manufacturing unit at the Kenilworth campus that had once belonged to Schering-Plough. Manufacturing at the site was halted after the two companies merged. The only remnants of the former production facility left standing were two warehouses, which have […]
KENILWORTH, NJ — Brandyn Kory Pantano of Kenilworth will be making an appearance at Kenilworth Public Library on Tuesday, April 19, at 7 p.m. to discuss his new novel, “Forever Roman.” Teens and adults are welcome to attend the event and register by calling 908-276-2451. Kenilworth residents can begin registering on April 12, and residents from […]
KENILWORTH, NJ — Throughout the next four years, and perhaps beyond, Kenilworth residents who dial 9-1-1 and ask for the local fire department should prepare for a visit from their mayor, as well. They can thank this year’s narrow election results for that. Democrat Anthony Deluca, a 20-year fire department volunteer and veteran of the […]