Yoga and rock music hits the streets in Cranford

CRANFORD, NJ — On Friday, Aug. 12, yogis gathered to Miln Street in Cranford to join Gina Pachkowski of Alluem Yoga for Rock Yoga Hits the Streets. Miln Street was closed between North Avenue and Eastman Street, and the road was completely covered with yoga mats. Pachkowski led the class while other staff members of Alluem […]

Cranford paving projects discussed at meeting

CRANFORD, NJ — A special meeting was held July 28 in Cranford to adopt a resolution authorizing a change order in connection to the 2015 paving project. The project consists of roadway and sidewalk improvements including the construction of accessible curb ramps, reconstruction of curbs, concrete and hot mix asphalt driveways, full-depth pavement repairs, milling and […]

Police Chief Ted Conley is appointed in Scotch Plains

SCOTCH PLAINS, NJ — On Tuesday, July 26, Township Manager Al Mirabella announced the appointment of Police Capt. Theodore “Ted” Conley as the new chief of the Scotch Plains Police Department at that night’s township council meeting. Conley was appointed officer in charge of the department and has served since the retirement of former Chief Brian Mahoney. […]

Cranford residents protest 7-Eleven

CRANFORD, NJ — An online petition was recently created at by Kristy Donahue, of Cranford, and a group of neighbors in protest of building a new 7-Eleven at 49 South Ave. West, across from Walgreens. So far the petition has gained hundreds of supporters. The petition is meant to inform the Cranford mayor and council […]

Centennial Village Group keeps Cranford beautiful

CRANFORD, NJ — The Centennial Village Group is named for the Centennial Village business area, located on Centennial Avenue between Lincoln Avenue and the Garden State Parkway. It consists of volunteers who are dedicated to improving and maintaining the appearance of Cranford. The group hosts several fundraising events in order to sustain their efforts. They work […]

Cranford Municipal Alliance for a drug-free community

Cranford Municipal Alliance for a drug-free community

CRANFORD, NJ — The Cranford Municipal Alliance takes a proactive approach to preventing drug use in the community by hosting events throughout the year to bring people together to participate in activities that don’t involve drugs. The organization is volunteer-based and they work to promote awareness about substance abuse. They use the following strategies to education […]

Public speaks out for CHS principal McCabe

CRANFORD, NJ — The Cranford Board of Education opened a discussion to the public as they expressed their concerns about the recent termination of Principal Kate McCabe at last week’s Board of Education meeting. Everyone was encouraged to speak, even if someone else had already expressed similar ideas, so that their name and concerns would be on […]

Dance company to perform at Arts for Autism

CRANFORD, NJ — On Monday, June 20, Moving Youth Dance Company of Cranford will head to New York City to perform at the Arts for Autism Concert to benefit Autism Speaks. They were one of the six student groups in North America to be selected for this event. They will perform alongside Broadway stars while supporting […]

Cranford takes part in Relay for Life for ninth year

Cranford takes part in Relay for Life for ninth year

CRANFORD, NJ — Cranford participated in the annual Relay for Life event for the ninth year on Friday, May 20. Twenty-four team members participated on Team Angela, a team created seven years ago in memory of Cranford resident Angela Skelton, after she lost her battle with cancer. Event Lead Linda Miklencic, of Cranford, was a personal […]

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