Walk/Run on Nov. 7 to help ‘Fight Stigma,’ raise awareness of mental illnesses

CLARK, NJ — One of the greatest challenges for treating mental illness, said Carolyn Beauchamp, president of The Mental Health Association in New Jersey, is the stigma so commonly attached with mental health issues. People shy away from what they don’t understand, according to Beauchamp, which is why labels like “crazy” or “scary” get tossed around, […]

‘Hitchhiker’ charged with murder claims in letter that authorities ‘ignored evidence’

CLARK, NJ — An online letter posted by Caleb McGillvary, an internet sensation charged in 2013 with the murder of a 73-year-old Clark man, alleges that local authorities have ignored evidence that he was defending himself “against a drug-facilitated sexual assault.” The letter, which was posted alongside a petition advocating due process for McGillvary, also known […]

‘I can’t tell you how great it is’

Clark summer day camp has grown to 1,200 campers, so there’s no shortage of fun

CLARK, NJ — Inside the Clark Recreation Department’s auditorium on Wednesday, Aug. 12, Captain Jack Sparrow was performing to the delight of nearly 100 kids with a thick pirate’s drawl in his voice for “The Pirate Empire Show.” Outside the building, more children were throwing their hands in their air while riding go carts, an […]

A ‘Whole’ new world in Clark

Clark Commons Mall opens to great fanfare, free samples and hundreds of local shoppers

CLARK, NJ — The sun had barely risen on Friday, Aug. 7, but the main parking lot at Clark Commons Mall was brimming to capacity for the very first time. Local residents poked their heads inside newly opened stores, browsed the menus at debuting restaurants and explored the rest of the strip mall, joining the city […]

The Eagle has landed

CLARK, NJ  — The Clark Recreation Director congratulates Kyle Dedinsky on completing his Eagle Scout project and reaching the rank of Eagle. Dedinsky, from the St John the Apostle Scout Troop No. 330, approached the director, Ralph Bernardo, back in March and asked if his Eagle Project could be the beautification of the recreation marquee with […]

The hunt is on

CLARK, NJ — Clark Recreation recently held its ninth annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 28, at the Recreation Center. Over 600 children participated in the egg hunt, decorated buckets, played games, won prizes like stuffed animals and bicycles, had refreshments and of course met the Easter Bunny. This event was free to all […]

And the winner is …

CLARK, NJ — On Friday, Feb 27, the first annual Best Meatball Challenge and all you can eat Pasta Night was held by Clark UNICO, organized by Clark Chapter Members Fran Parisi, Anna Pace and Joe Arancio. Nine contestants entered their recipe of meatballs and were put to the test for over 65 hungry Unicans and […]

Mother Seton science teams sweep 1st place in second round of Science League competition

CLARK — The science teams from Mother Seton Regional High School in Clark once again captured 1st place honors in the second round of competition in the New Jersey Science League. The Physics, Chemistry and Biology teams all took up the challenge to maintain their first place ranking in their district competition. Following a rigorous curriculum as well as Advanced Placement level […]

Science champs!

CLARK, NJ — Science teams from Mother Seton Regional High School in Clark captured first place honors in Biology I, Biology II, Chemistry and Physics. The competition, held at Cranford High School, is the first of four science league competitions. In addition to Mother Seton Regional High School, district competitors included Arthur L. Johnson High […]

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