Cases of COVID-19 continue to rise in UC

Cases of COVID-19 continue to rise in UC

UNION COUNTY, NJ — The statewide lockdown continues, all in the effort of flattening the curve of COVID-19. While statistics are showing progress on this front, the number of cases is still continuing to rise nationally, statewide and in Union County. As of April 21, according to statistics from the state, New Jersey has 92,387 […]

As pandemic shuts down places of worship, faith communities build new connections

As pandemic shuts down places of worship, faith communities build new connections

UNION COUNTY, NJ — On March 13, as New Jersey confirmed 50 cases of coronavirus and universities canceled their in-person classes, Masjid Darul Islam, a mosque in Elizabeth, kept its doors open for the weekly Friday prayer. Roughly 700 congregants attended. A week later, on March 20 — after the state’s confirmed cases had risen […]

Number of COVID cases in Union County continues to rise

Number of COVID cases in Union County continues to rise

UNION COUNTY, NJ — As New Jersey continues its statewide lockdown to stem the tide of the novel coronavirus, the state continues to see more and more confirmed COVID-19 cases and COVID-related deaths. As of April 14, according to statistics from the state, New Jersey has had 68,824 confirmed cases and 2,805 deaths. All in […]

Remote learning becomes new normal for Union County students

County teachers adapt to ensure school continues

Remote learning becomes new normal for Union County students

UNION COUNTY — With COVID-19 cases in New Jersey continuing to rise and the effects of the coronavirus sweeping the nation, the pandemic has altered all lives in recent weeks. To prevent the spread of disease, schools across the nation have closed their doors until further notice, forcing students of all ages, as well as […]

Clark students provide rainbows of hope during crisis

Clark students provide rainbows of hope during crisis

CLARK, NJ — Students in the Clark Public School District show that a small act can shed positivity in a time of uncertainty. Students are creating rainbow posters and displaying them in their windows with the phrase “andra tutto bene,” an Italian phrase meaning “everything will be OK.” Arthur L. Johnson High School Italian teacher […]

Confirm events are still happening before you get in the car

Confirm events are still happening before you get in the car

UNION COUNTY, NJ — UnionNewsDaily and its affiliated newspapers print notices and calendars telling readers about upcoming events, programs, lectures and more. Due to COVID-19, a lot of municipalities and organizations are canceling or postponing events. Some of these cancellations may occur after publication, or simply not be communicated to us in time to prevent […]

Reading Cafe in Clark combines fun and learning

Reading Cafe in Clark combines fun and learning

CLARK, NJ — Students and their parents were invited to attend the Reading Committee’s Reading Cafe at Valley Road School. The goal of the event was to provide a fun evening that promotes families reading together. During the event, the school cafeteria was set up as a cafe. Fifth grade students dressed as servers and […]

Clark Public Schools’ Colleen Nemeth is recognized as Union County’s Educational Support Person of the Year

Clark Public Schools’ Colleen Nemeth is recognized as Union County’s Educational Support Person of the Year

CLARK, NJ — Colleen Nemeth, secretary for the Office of Special Education at Clark Public Schools, was recently named Union County’s Educational Support Person of the Year for school year 2019-2020 and honored at a Board of Education meeting. Nemeth has been working in the district for 18 years. An active member of the Clark […]

Former Clark resident charged with draining young relative’s $85,000 inheritance fund

CLARK, NJ — A former Clark resident drained a juvenile relative’s inheritance fund for his own personal gain as a trustee has been indicted by a Union County grand jury, the Union County Prosecutor’s Office and Clark police announced. Anthony DiRobbio, 60, of Silver Springs, Fla., is charged with misapplication of entrusted property, a second-degree […]

Three-story building OK’d for Raritan Road

Three-story building OK’d for Raritan Road

CLARK, N.J. — A three-story apartment building will be going up on Raritan Road next to the Clark Village Shopping Center after the planning board unanimously approved a 42-unit structure for the 2.68-acre site at its Jan. 9 reorganization meeting. The building, north of the intersection with Westfield Avenue, will occupy 18,000 square feet and […]

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