CAU tackles inclusion at community and state levels

CAU tackles inclusion at community and state levels

ELIZABETH, NJ — March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, and members of the New American Movement for People with Disabilities, NAM, are adamant proponents of inclusion. In NAM’s crusade to help people with disabilities live without limitations, the group is involved in pending legislation in Trenton, voter registration, the 2020 census and general rights advocacy. […]

COVID-19 cases rise in county

UNION COUNTY, NJ — It’s been a rough week across the nation, as thousands of people in various states have no choice but to file for unemployment. Thousands are worried about financial stability as panic runs rampant and anxiety is at an all-time high. As of March 24, according to statistics from the state of […]

Clark students provide rainbows of hope during crisis

Clark students provide rainbows of hope during crisis

CLARK, NJ — Students in the Clark Public School District show that a small act can shed positivity in a time of uncertainty. Students are creating rainbow posters and displaying them in their windows with the phrase “andra tutto bene,” an Italian phrase meaning “everything will be OK.” Arthur L. Johnson High School Italian teacher […]

Kean University partners with College Steps on new program for students with disabilities

UNION, NJ  — Kean University is launching a new program in fall 2020 to help students with significant learning and social challenges attend the university. Through a partnership with College Steps, Kean will provide comprehensive specialized support — including peer mentoring, group seminars and individualized learning plans — to students with learning disabilities, autism and […]

Coronavirus spreads in Union County

Coronavirus spreads in Union County

UNION COUNTY, NJ — Union County confirmed at least 15 cases of coronavirus as Gov. Phil Murphy activated the National Guard, shut down nonessential businesses and strongly discouraged travel after 8 p.m across the state. As of March 17, New Jersey had 267 confirmed cases of coronavirus. The state’s death toll has risen to three. […]

Local youth celebrate heritage during National African American Read-In

Local youth celebrate heritage during National African American Read-In

ELIZABETH, NJ — A National African American Read-In was recently hosted by Community Access Unlimited, a Union County–based nonprofit that aims to integrate people with disabilities and at-risk youth into the general community. About 20 young attendees performed songs written or recorded by black artists. “National Read-In is about helping our youth members celebrate Black […]