Temple has time to Rock Shabbat

SPRINGFIELD, NJ — On Friday, May 31, Temple Sha’arey Shalom had its annual Rock Shabbat. The service was led vocally by Cantor Jason Rosenman and accompanied instrumentally by the TSS Rock Shabbat Band, consisting of Melody Blasenheim-Stevens on keyboard, Mike Kovacs on guitar, Ed Pilcer on bass and Temple Sha’arey Shalom’s new rabbi, Rav Uri Allen, on drums.

The service included modern Reform settings for the different prayers of the Friday Night Shabbat service, some of which are used often at Sha’arey Shalom, and others used just for this occasion. It also included modern versions of introductory lead-ins to prayers, known liturgically as kavanot. Popular styles energized the well-attended service including swing, ballad, flamenco and pop rock. Ruach filled the room as congregants sang and clapped along.
If interested in learning about Temple Sha’arey Shalom and its programming, contact the synagogue office at 973-379-5387 or shaarey.org.

Photo Courtesy of Jeanne Graulich