Footbridge closed so it can be replaced

CRANFORD, NJ — Union County was expected to begin replacement of the footbridge connecting Balmiere Parkway and Riverside Drive on Monday, April 15. The bridge replacement project is anticipated to be completed in the late fall, weather permitting. During construction, the footbridge will be closed. Pedestrians and cyclists should use caution in utilizing alternate routes to your destinations.

Refer to the Cranford Police Department Nixle and the official township of Cranford and Cranford Police Department social media for updates to the construction schedule.

The footbridge was earmarked for replacement due to the age of the footbridge, as well as its existing structure supports being in the river channel, which the county assessed is an issue during flooding and can be compromised if debris comes down on the bridge. The new footbridge will be a suspension footbridge made of a steel structure and wooden decking with the structure supported in the embankments on either side of the river.

The project will begin with the removal of the structure supports. The county was required to obtain permits from the state of New Jersey Department of Environment Protection to access the river. Those NJDEP permits restrict construction in this portion of the Rahway River from May 1 to Aug. 1.

For residents in the area of the footbridge, note the contractor will install metal shoring in the embankment while construction on the earthen dike is in progress to secure the area from potential rising of the river waters. Construction will not affect the use of the portable pumps on Balmiere Parkway during storm events.

“We recognize this will cause a disruption to the many Cranford residents and visitors who use the bridge to enjoy Nomahegan Park and travel across town, including students heading to and from school,” said Mayor Brian Andrews. “We explored options to minimize the impact, including delaying bridge removal until the summer or installing a temporary bridge, but were advised those weren’t possible. We will remain in touch with the county to ensure the project stays on track and we can enjoy the new, improved bridge as soon as it’s available.”

The township will provide additional updates throughout the entirety of the county construction project.

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