Blue and Gold Club spreads cheer at Atria Cranford

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RAHWAY, NJ — Students from Franklin Elementary School’s Blue and Gold Club brought smiles to residents at Atria Cranford during a recent visit for a fun-filled games and craft night.

The energetic group set up multiple stations packed with various games, creating a lively atmosphere of laughter and friendly competition. A special highlight was a homemade Jeopardy game, developed by a creative club member, which proved to be a big hit with the residents.

Beyond the games, the evening fostered heartwarming connections. Residents enjoyed crafting beautiful sun catchers for their windows using colorful gems. This is not the first visit for the Blue and Gold Club and they have developed special friendships with some of the Atria Cranford residents.

The Franklin Elementary School Blue and Gold Club is a student-led organization dedicated to volunteering their time throughout the year in various community service projects. Overseen by school nurse Barbara Maher and Kym Adams, the club instills the value of giving back and creating positive connections within the community.

“We are incredibly proud of the Blue and Gold Club and the dedication they show in serving others,” said Principal Patrick Holness. “Their positive energy and enthusiasm brighten the days of the Atria residents and the friendships they’ve built are truly heartwarming.”

Photos Courtesy of Linda Lampert